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Puja and Arush, separated by five thousand miles are steadfastly committed to each other. They believe they can make it work —until time zones and life get in the way.
Meanwhile Sujit, trapped between his troubled past and turbulent present, desperately wants to break free, but does not know how to. He hopes to make things right with Puja —but will she ever forgive him?

Even as the three of them grapple with life in the post-pandemic world, each must discover their calling, manage family, relationships and their own unruly emotions. But then, no one said adulting was easy.

This is the story of three young people from starkly different backgrounds with intertwined fates, fighting for what they value most. What will they have to give up to get what they want?

From the award-winning author of When Love Came Calling comes an uplifting, relatable tale brimming with life lessons and hope.



I have been hired as a columnist @newindianexpress for an advice column. My column is  called DEAR LIFE.
If you want some advice on how to navigate an issue that’s bugging you , reach out to me on email.
Every week we will pick one email and answer it ! Everything you share will be confidential and it will be anonymous . Your name will not appear in the newspaper !

Please share this with anyone who might benefit from this.❤️
#newindianexpress #needadvice #advicecolumn #writetome #preetishenoy

🛑 ALL WOMEN— WATCH FULLY🛑 Happy women’s day to all of you ❤️
#womensday #womensupportingwomen #womenempowerment

When ? ➡️13th March Wednesday , 7.00 PM
Where ? ➡️ @kunzum , M Block Market , Greater Kailash part 2.
What? ➡️ A fun filled book evening with Preeti Shenoy and @rjginnie 
BE THERE  and bring your friends!! Entry is free but please message with number of people coming. (And no restrictions on any numbers . We just need to get enough chairs 🪑) 😄
See you soon Delhi !! ❤️
#meetpreetishenoy #meettheauthor #bookstagram #authormeet #kumzumbookstore #bookevent #delhievents #delhievent #books

🌟1. Not speak up: Most women are conditioned to be “sweet and kind and motherly”. This often leads to women putting up with a lot of unfairness, whether it is in household chores or at workplace. Speak up! If you think something needs to be told, say it with confidence. Don’t be apologetic. You deserve to be heard.

🌟2. Succumb to peer pressure : This is common in women in their twenties and thirties. A little pressure from friends and we succumb to saying yes (party invites, invites to fun concerts, that extra drink), even when we know that the next day would be hell if we agree. Let’s learn to say a firm ‘No, thank you.’ Don’t be afraid of appearing ‘uncool.’

🌟3. Not arm themselves with knowledge: We’re in an era of artificial intelligence and high speed internet. If you don’t know about something, read up! Knowledge is power. Also develop the habit of reading regularly. Research shows that it makes you smarter. (And you can read well written fiction too, You do not necessarily have to read only  non-fiction)

🌟4. Not save up or do financial planning: Many women find themselves broke, or without any money. Money=Freedom. No matter what you do (whether you are a home maker or a career women) do have one bank account which is solely in your name.

🌟5. Not exercise: If you cannot do 45 minutes, do 30. If you can’t do 30, do 15. But please do exercise consistently. I have tried everything—ashtanga, cycling, Zumba, running, gym. What works best for me is a combination of gym, walking and yoga.

🌟6. Negative self talk: Watch what you tell yourself. It becomes your reality. Talk ‘up’ to yourself. Pay yourself compliments in your head (or write it out) for how far you have come. Be proud of even your small successes. They are worth celebrating. 

🌟If you like the above tips, read my books. They are women centric with real women who face real problems. DM me for link or type in your browsers.

#womenempoweringwomen #womenpower #womenhelpingwomen

🌟1. Never be afraid to try new things even when you have never done it before.(Puja leaves all her riches and comfort behind and moves to Varkala)

🌟2.It’s okay to change your mind about the career you want. Nothing in life is fixed. (Arush n was a brilliant fine arts scholarship student and yet he moves to Birmingham to take up a travel agency job)

🌟3. Take risks in life ! Even when there’s danger of failure (Sujit starts Fishy business, with no knowledge or experience)

🌟 4. Whatever you do, it’s  important to work very hard and be resilient when you face obstacles. (Sujit  runs into problems but  finds ways to solve them)

🌟 5. People make mistakes. Forgive them once. Talk about .  If they aren’t willing to talk about it, rethink what the relationship or friendship means to you. (Puja and Arush talkl when Arush can’t process what is happening with Naomi)

🌟6.Embrace change ! Change is the only constant in life. Don’t try to resist it. (All the characters change towards the end of the book)
🌟7.Ask for help when you need it. And be grateful to the people who are actually there for you. They are your true friends. (Puja asks for help when she runs into a horrible situation in Varkala)

🌟8. Most people are not what they seem. Take your time to decide what they are truly like. (Naomi and Benny in the book turn out to be different than when Arush and Puja first meet them)

🌟9. Family  is the most important thing you can have even if they don’t always do what you want. Have a dialogue with them and see if you can work out things. (Arush’s family goes behind his back for him to get his job)

🌟10. When things don’t work out it’s best to cut your losses and move on, even when it’s hard. (Jenna does this )

❤️If you want to know more about Arush, Puja, Sujit and their adventures, comment ‘All the love’ and I will send you the link to order this unputdownable book.❤️

#bookrecommendations #womenempowerment #lifelessons #bookphotography #booktok #bookstagram #alltheloveyoudeserve

🌟1.  Accept Change: Horrible things will happen in the course of our lives. They will happen to *everyone*. People will die, break up or walk out for no reason. And eventually we will heal. It is part of being human. Accept that things will change.

🌟2..Analyse: Whenever something goes wrong, I do not react immediately. Even if I am dying inside, I take a step back. Then I try to process what has happened. Do not react immediately to whatever has happened. If you need time, tell the person you need time..

🌟3. Journal: I have been journalling for many years and it has given me clarity in a lot of situations. Write down what has happened in your own words. You will find that your mind is slowing down, and your thinking is becoming clearer.

🌟4. Practice self-compassion: None of us are perfect. We do the best we can with the circumstances we find ourselves in. All of us do NOT have the same start lines. Be kinder to yourself.

Cont’d in comments 👇🏽
#womenempowerment #womensupportingwomen #tipstobementallystrong

🚩1. Talking behind your back:  If a friend is constantly talking behind your back, and you get to know about it, rethink whether the friendship is worth your time and effort. Ask yourself why you are tolerating it  Many people use gossip to elevate their social status. The instant I know that someone is gossiping about me, I start distancing myself.

 🚩2. Not being supportive/honest: For me if a person is dishonest, I cannot stand it. Beinf supportive, for me it means being there when I need them, encouraging me, making time for me. I always do this for  my good  friends. And I expect the same from them.

🚩3. Jealousy: You can always tell who is genuinely happy for you, and who is pretending to be. We all have that intuition to discern. Listen more to it. Even if your life is not going well, and your friend has managed to achieve something spectacular, you should be able to put aside your problems for a brief while, and share their joy. 

🚩4. One sided effort: We all have those friendships where we are the ones always making the effort to, message, meet  and keep in touch. The friend is ‘always busy’ . If you really matter to them, they *will* make the time for you. No one is that busy! There might be periods when something really big is going on in their life, and they may not be able to respond. This is an exception. 

🚩5. Not being included/invited: This happens when it is a friendship between a group of three or more. If they are always leaving you out of their plans, you know you aren’t welcome. Also don’t go if you are only invited at the last minute.

🚩6. Not respecting boundaries: Some people don’t get boundaries. If you constantly feel disrespected, even after expressing to them how you feel, and you see no effort from their side to understand , rethink the  friendship.

Many a time we stay in a friendship because we are afraid to be alone. Don’t be! Leave a toxic friendship, and be patient. Eventually the right friend will come along.

Grab my books if you like my posts. DM me for link !
#womensfriendship #tipsforfriendships #womensupportingwomen 
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